Kitesurf Base


Directional boards, surfkite, hydrofoil and race

Who has not dreamed when small in surfing the waves in the same way we saw in the movies of our childhood?

Now with the surfkite we can make it possible without the need of those giant waves that we saw in the movies. Below we show a selection of the best tables in the market with the best price.

North wam

An easy-to-handle board with subtle grip channels to facilitate strapless tricks

[amazon box=”B076588Y6R”]

North pro surf

It is a board designed to surf strapless ideal for surfing small and medium waves.

[amazon box=”B019CX5BZO”]

VIO Hydrofoil

The VIO hydrofoil is a carbon fiber and aluminum alloy fin that we can incorporate into our directional board to glide over water.

[amazon box=”B07C5DSG12″]

Liquid Force Thruster Hydrofoil

The hydrofoil Thruster of Liquid Force is a fin of high range that counts on a speed of early takeoff, excellent stability and a great speed range.

[amazon box=”B078K69366″]

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